The 1st partnership meeting was held in Dublin (Ireland), on the 20th and 21st of June 2023. The meeting was a fruitful opportunity for project partners to get to know each other, to reflect and to organise together on the upcoming tasks foreseen by the work plan.
The meeting saw the Erasmus+ NEXUS project partners actively involved in compare experiences and thoughts on the topical subject of young carers and their (non)involvement in research, practices and policies for their support. In addition, the NEXUS partners started reflecting on the possible contents of the training curriculum addressed to youth workers, in order to enable them to actively involve young carers in youth practices, participatory research and supportive policies for them. The partners’ meeting in Dublin was also an opportunity to finalise the structure and the organisation of the focus groups planned for September and October 2023 by the NEXUS project: these discussion groups will involve youth workers, researchers and policy-makers, dealing directly or not with young carers, in order to investigate their views and experiences. This will be useful to get to know and deepen the training needs of professionals in contact with young carers and to define the learning objectives of the NEXUS curriculum that will be central in promoting the connection between research, practice and youth policy concerning young caregivers.
Stay up-to-date on the exciting future developments of the project NEXUS!
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